Sunday 28 July 2013

I walked around anxiously trying to figure out what I could do. then as quick as lightning it came to me. I knelt down next to the body and went through its pockets. I took the woman's cash, pocket knife and phone. I opened a compartment of the pocket knife and dug into the lock to see if I could pick it. I tried digging the sharp tool into thee lock in different angles but it was useless. I stared at the pocket knife in disbelief. I was certain that this would do the trick, I felt betrayed and angry. I grabbed the pocket knife and threw it across the room. I was so angry but once I threw the knife I knew that this action was a mistake, and I would maybe need that later on. I leaped towards where I thought the knife would be but I lost my balance and tripped over the body. the body rolled the other way. something fell out of its pocket. I reached for the item and found a key. the key was old and rusty, with bits of metal flickering off the side. I stood up and walked over to the door, clutching the key as if it was my last chance. I put the key into the key hole and twisted. the door clicked and opened the tiniest bit. this was enough for me to see that I wasn't trapped anymore...

Saturday 27 July 2013

My hands went sweaty and it felt like all my insides were jigging about inside me, my heart was racing and my mind wouldn't consider the option to stop thinking about this. I started gasping for air as I was beginning to throw up. I hadn't eaten for ages before the snack and now I managed to throw that little portion of the cereal bar up. great. there was no food left inside me so I was just puking out my stomach acid which burnt my throat so badly. I began to cry. then just as I started crying the van came to a slow and steady halt. were some people coming to check what was going on or were we just at some traffic lights? I hid behind the body but nobody came. I waited for what seemed like half an hour but there was no way of telling. I got up and pushed the handle on  the back door of the van. it was firmly locked. I had one more option. This was my only chance of escaping; if I don't try now I will never have another chance of getting out of here. besides, if I stayed here who knows where they could take me? I walked to the back of the van, as far away from the doors as I possibly could go and ran against the door. I fell back. these people locked the door alright. what was I possibly thinking? these people were no idiots.